Our School Board & Governance

Our Board of Trustees and Executive Directors are volunteers and partners in carrying out the mission of Oak Hill School to ensure that students receive the best-possible education. We also have a variety of board committees made up of volunteers who focus on specific aspects of the school, such as development, facilities, finances and governance.

Board of Trustees & Executive Directors

Our Board of Trustees and Executive Directors help ensure our school’s success, working as a team with our school’s administration. The Board of Trustees is focused on the school’s sustainability, while our Executive Directors support the long-term implementation of the board’s strategic vision. This allows our school’s administration and faculty to fully focus on the exceptional curriculum and teaching that define the Oak Hill School experience.

Board Responsibilities:

Acorn Establish policies and ensure implementation
Acorn Safeguard the financial sustainability of the school
Acorn Determine and guide the school’s mission and culture
Acorn Hire, oversee and work collaboratively with the head of school

Board Committees

The Oak Hill School Board of Trustees consists of five board committees. All committee memberships, with the exceptions of the Executive Committee and the Governance Committee, are open to Oak Hill School constituent groups (parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, friends), given they possess the appropriate background, expertise and interest.

Leads the Board of Trustees and consists of the president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. Authorized to act on behalf of the board in matters that require immediate action and in between board meetings. Ensures that policy changes are carried out. Oversees the evaluation of the school’s top administrator(s), or head(s) of school.

Responsible for school fundraising and oversight of the Community Support Association (CSA) and Alumni Association and other ad hoc or regular groups that support the school.

Ensures adequate facilities and oversees the maintenance of the physical school; researches avenues for appropriate and proactive growth and guides master planning.

Recruits, orients, assesses board members and board performance. Regularly reviews the school’s bylaws and plans the annual retreat.

Guides financial reporting and ensures fiduciary responsibility and oversight for implementation of board policies with respect to financial controls, the overall management and supervision of the financial affairs of the school and periodic audits.

Interested in serving on a committee or joining the board? Contact us!







Bee Leaf Acorn